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Are you ready to manifest & attract what you desire?

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Manifesting your desires with ease and confidence.

Feeling a deep sense of connection, peace and confidence within.

Having a secure and healthy relationship with money where it circulates to you abundantly.

Trusting that life is happening FOR you not TO you.

Releasing the voice in your head that holds you back from living the life of your design.

Feeling aligned with your life purpose.

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Listening to that inner critic inside your heard.

That's not you.

And it's doing nothing but holding you back from attracting abundance into your life.



Feeding into those limiting beliefs.

What you were taught was wrong. 

You can teach an old dog new tricks. Money does grow on trees. You don't have to work hard to earn it. Unlimited Happiness is available to you.



Breathing in abundance.

Trusting in the Universe.

Attracting all you desire.

Living your BEST LIFE.

Magnetic Manifestation Academy

Tangible Skills

Tangible skills and tools to start your manifestation journey so that you no longer feel stuck or envy others who seem to attract everything they desire because you can too!


Techniques to speed up your manifestation process TODAY so that you don't have to waster another moment living a life that doesn't fulfill you.

Illuminated Path

An Illuminated path that highlights your limiting beliefs currently holding you back as well as how to break past them and start wholeheartedly trusting the universe.

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"Before I started this course and working with Vanessa, I was in a place where I felt so stuck and misguided. I didn't know where to turn in order to get out of that space. I've come to learn that I had the power within myself to change my circumstances and that the world is always working for me. I could not be more grateful for the Magnetic Manifestation Academy" - Keenen


"I’m seeing myself for who I am, not for who I could be. I reintroduced myself to myself." - Yvette


"Vanessa showed me it was OK to be me and taught me how to love life again." - Rebecca

Course Outline

  • Week 1: Manifestation 101
  • Week 2: Universal Trust & Faith
  • Week 3: Reframe Your Beliefs
  • Week 4: Navigating Your Emotions
  • Week 5: Reprogramming Money Mindset
  • Week 6: Manifesting Money
  • Week 7: Manifesting Love
  • Week 8: Surrendering & Releasing
  • Week 9: Aligned Action and Purpose
  • Week 10: Embodying Your Power

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About Me

I’m Vanessa. I am a certified manifestation coach. I have successfully coached dozens of clients on manifesting more abundance, money, career growth, love, and confidence. But before I started doing this...I was just like you. Desiring more abundance, yet not sure where to start. Manifestation wasn’t working for me. I started to give up hope and thought I would be stuck in what felt like a never ending cycle of lack.

Lack in money, love, confidence, and bound for an infinite loop of internal certainty.

But after looking beyond the misguided “woo woo” language of manifestation, I decided to go deeper. I did a deep dive into manifestation and applying/integrating manifestation methods and from it, I created my dream life. The dream life I once thought was impossible and seemed too hard to reach.


Manifestation was the key to everything and now I’m teaching you the same skills and techniques that changed my life so that it can do the same for yours. I went from making less than $1,000 a month (feeling completely stuck, scared, and unaligned) to growing a multiple five figure business, manifesting love, dream home, friendships, opportunities and more. I want that for you and I’m giving all that knowledge to you inside this masterclass. Promise to come back and share with me all the ways this transforms you? I know it’ll be mesmerizing.